In response to this comment, from Stephen T (@stephen_town):
'Men can't expect women to carry the whole burden of fighting back. Plenty of men have sat back and listened to strident twaddle and said nothing.'on the item 'Feminism can only flourish under the protection of real men'
I wrote this:
'Men can't expect women to carry the whole burden of fighting back. Plenty of men have sat back and listened to strident twaddle and said nothing.'Thinking that perhaps 'poppycock' was too strong for the delicate flowers at The Conservative Woman, I reposted the comment with what I assumed was the offending word omitted but, to my surprise, it was again shown as under review and was subsequently deleted. Why do they bother? What do they think they can achieve if such innocuous opinions offend their sensibilities. I doubt a real man would find any of them attractive. Perhaps that's the root of their discontent.Poppycock.
Men haven't sat back', we've simply done what men always do, which is to accept changed conditions and new realities, made the best of it and got on with it, while few, if any, of those women now bleating that feminism has upset their apple cart made any complaint when the apples were fresh and sweet and most shouted 'yeah, you go girl' at each and every bite. Now that the fruit has been found to be rotten those same women are telling us that we need to grub up the trees for them and plant new ones in fresh ground.
'Once men believe in a cause, they fight well.'
A man who believes in himself says 'we' and not 'they'.
'We really need women allies ... '
They, we, what is to be? Regardless, this is not a war we are in any danger of losing and we do not need allies. The women you think can be useful to us are merely fighting a desperate rearguard action in the vain hope of regaining a position they abandoned decades ago. There's no going back, and certainly not as passengers on our backs.
' ... it's cowardice to just leave the fight to good women.'
No it isn't, you old white knight you; it's their fight because they brought it on, almost to a woman and with loud cheers and clenched fists punching the air. They're our equals now, which is what they wanted, and they must sort out the mess they've made without our help. We have our own battles to fight and their interests are not ours.
I would be a coward were I to do what I see is not in my best interests in response to such taunts. You sacrifice yourself for them if you wish to but do not tell me I'm a coward simply because I want none of it.'
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Misandrous comments from feminist harpies and the manginas who love them will be deleted, unless they offer the opportunity for a bit of manly sport.